resist的意思是什么 有哪些用法

    resist作名词时意思是“[助剂] 抗蚀剂;防染剂”,作及物动词时意思是“抵抗;忍耐,忍住”,作不及物动词时意思是“抵抗,抗拒;忍耐”。名词:resister;动词过去式:resisted;过去分词:resisted;现在分词:resisting;第三人称单数:resists。
    resist的意思是什么 有哪些用法
    1、resist sth./sb. 不受(某事物的)损害[影响]; 抗; 耐
    She resisted her boyfriend.
    2、resist (doing)sth. 不屈从(某事物或某人); 经得住;抵制做某事
    He found it hard to resist buying these books. 他发现,见到这种书,要想不买是困难的。
    3、can't resist(doing)sth. 无法抵制做某事
    I can't resist eating delicious food.
    She cannot resist giving him advice. 她忍不住给他提建议。
    1、Will they be able toresistthe temptation to buy?
    2、This place is a cultural back water that continues toresistprogress.
    3、At this last bribery, Pinocchio could no longerresistand said firmly, "Very well."
    4、They wanted to recreate the ability of lotus leaves toresistwater.
    5、But Europeans shouldresista surrender to moral relativism.
    6、In these areas we can build special houses toresistearthquake shocks.