flair的含义是什么 具体用法是

    flair 天资,天赋。来自拉丁语fragrare, 释放气味,闻,词源同fragrant. 字母l和r异化。原指猎狗的灵敏的嗅觉,后形容人的特殊能力,天资。近义词:talent天赋;aptitude天资;genius天才。以下是小编整理的内容,大家可以参考。
    flair的含义是什么 具体用法是
    Mr miliband 's assets of flair , charm and a growing ease with himself have been well displayed in manchester .
    His success was the result of his unusual combination of technical smarts , strategic vision , flair for design and sheer force of character .
    It is a common lament that academics lack entrepreneurial flair .
    Last month he flaunted both his technical know-how and his flair for self-promotion by emerging as the country 's top blogger .
    flair 和 flare 的用法区别