
    具体到某一天用on,例如on Sunday。in、on、at表示时间的时候可以以顺口溜的方式记忆。如on Saturday,on a rainy day。on也表示在一个面上,比如on the desk。
    介词on用于星期、日期(包括该天的各部分)前。例如on Sundays/weekdays/on Monday morning/afternoon/evening。“在周末”既可以说at weekends,也可以说on weekends。
    1、on Sunday
    2、on August 8,2020(on+日)
    3、on Children’s Day(on+节)
    4、on a cold night(on+某夜)
    in属于一般意义。表达世纪:in the 1990’s。表达年代:in 90’s。表达年份:in 1998。表达月份:in June。表达季节:in spring。
    带on的短语搭配有bid on,意思是出价,投标,on the horizon意思是即将来临,on the go意思是忙忙碌碌的,正在进行的,be on impulse意思是一时冲动,一时心血来潮,be keen on意思是喜欢,concentrate on意思是专注于。
    on purpose故意;有意;成心地
    on duty值班;值日;上班;在上班
    on earth究竟;到底;在世界上;全然
    focus on集中;集中考试大论坛;集中测验大论坛;集中于
    rely on依靠;依赖;凭借;信赖
    dwell on详述;凝思;细想;不断地说
    later on以后;随后;过后;后来
    hold on握住不放;坚持;继续;等一等
    work on从事;从事于;继续工作;忙于
    1. Eventually, you"ll learn to cry that on the inside.
    2. A fellow doesn"t last long on what he has done. He"s got to keep on delivering as he goes along.--Carl Hubbell, Baseball Player
    3. She went directly to Simon"s apartment and knocked on the door.
    4. He said they should turn their fire on the Conservative Party instead.
    5. A changing world has put pressures on the company.