
    chips作薯条讲的时候是不可数名词。虽然是复数形式,但实际上并不可数。chips的意思是:炸土豆条;小木片;缺口等。chip既可以做名词也可以做动词,做动词时的意思是打破; 弄缺; 被损坏; 切下,削下。
    chip和french fries的区别
    一、指代不同1、chip:炸土豆条。2、french fries:炸薯片; 炸土豆片。
    二、语法不同1、chip:一种以马铃薯为原料,源起于比利时,切成条状后油炸而成的食品,是现在最常见的快餐食品之一,流行于世界各地。2、french fries:意思是“马铃薯片”,可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词。用于比喻可作“微不足道的人或物”解。
    三、侧重点不同1、chip:指长条状的。2、french fries:指片状的。
    1、Microsoft, by cuddling up to ARM, will be able to build chips of its own.
    2、The tortilla chips were right out of the oven.
    3、The stranger shoved in all his chips and followed with the deed to his plantation.
    4、The latest Godson chips will also have a number of advanced features.
    5、The convenience food range includes cup noodles, potato chips and cream cake.