migrant immigrant的区别

    migrant immigrant的区别:语法不同、侧重点不同。migrant指从一个地区或国家搬到另一个地区或国家的旅行者,强调“从某国离去”,其后常接介词from;immigrant指在别国定居并取得所在国国籍的外国人,强调“到某国定居”,其后常接介词in。
    migrant immigrant的区别
    1、Migrantworkers move from city to city in search of work.
    2、Today's migrant workers, by comparison, "are younger and more mobile."
    3、Where do migrant workers live in a crowded, post-recession town?
    4、The decision to move is also influenced by "personal factors" of the potential migrant.
    1、The district has become increasingly popular with immigrant families from China, India and Korea.
    2、immigrant tales have always been popular themes in fiction.
    3、Some immigrant advocates worry that hard financial times make it more difficult for natives to keep jobs.