
    journal和diary这两个词的共同意思是“日记”。其区别在于:diary通常指“一天不漏地”; journal则倾向于“札记”,不一定每天都写,也不像diary那样有很大的隐私性,它往往指“对日常琐事的客观记录”和“读书随笔”。
    3、在表示“一则日记”时要用an entry ofdiary。
    1、Last year, her diary was always full of negative reports.
    2、The best way to master English composition is to keep a diary in English.
    3、The best way to master English composition is to keep a diary in English
    1、On the table lay a copy of the latest Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine.
    2、The research was published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
    3、Did you notice the appearance of a new journal in our college today