thankful to和thankful for的区别

    thankful to和thankful for的用法不同、含义不同。“thankful to”的汉语意思为:感谢……;感谢某人。“thankful for”的汉语意思为:因……而感谢;感谢某件事。
    thankful to和thankful for的区别
    thankful to和thankful for的不同
    “thankful to”后一般加人,短语构成为:thankful to sb.例如:I am very thankful to you.“thankful for” 后加事情/事件,短语构成为:thankful for sth.例句:I am thankful for them giving birth to me.
    thankful to:基本意思是“谢谢”“感谢”,指因某人所做的事或所给予的东西而在口头或文字上表示感谢。
    thankful for:也可作“责怪”解,表示一种请求,现常作反语,含有埋怨、不耐烦的口气。
    thankful to:感谢...;thankful for:因...而感谢。
    thankful to和thankful for的双语例句
    thankful to:
    1、You should be thankful to be alive.
    2、I am still thankful to the railway staff and the person who found my purse.
    3、The recipient will be touched to receive a handmade card and will be thankful to you!
    thankful for:
    1、I am very thankful for helping me with my study.
    2、Never again should you wonder what you have to be thankful for.